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Writer: Elaine Marie CarnegieElaine Marie Carnegie

Updated: Jun 11, 2024

by Elaine Marie Carnegie-Padgett

Hello Everyone!

I guess you have probably wondered where I've been if you are a follower of the Writers Journey Blog. Sorry I have been out of touch… but this happened.

My poor little car! It was a head on collision with someone who had no insurance... With painful injuries and serious financial losses, it was disastrous or felt that way in any case. (It can always be worse.)

For the first few weeks I could not even sit at my computer… I am healing, feeling better although I am not 100%. I have not written one word since January of this year, it seems peculiar because it has been such a large part of my life for a long time. I sort of feel like I am drifting asea without a mooring...

So, I have decided to make some changes.

(A little forced self-love, I guess)

The Writer’s Journey Blog will be open to all sorts of articles of concern to writers, including marketing, upcoming and new publications. I would also like to hear what works for you in your writing and what doesn’t! Share your ideas, concerns, experiences and tips and tricks!

I will feature those writers who get in touch with me. I am not up to searching for you… So, if you have something to share… email me, PM me, holler for me or otherwise contact me!

Next subject is Journeys IV

The Journeys Anthology this year will be open to everyone, not just writers of the blog. I am also open to theme suggestions, although I am considering “Mystery and Magic” for the theme this year. PM me and let me know what you think or if you have suggestions.

Submissions will begin on September 1st with publication in November as usual. Sweet Kerri Jesmer has agreed to assist with the editing again, and I am hoping to provide Authors with a nominal payment this year and a pdf copy of the book. (More on that closer to submission call!)

I have had a lot of time to read in these few months and I will be blogging my book reviews as well. Anyone else who is  interested in sharing their book reviews, or needs a book review, hit me up.

Here is hoping everyone of you is well, healthy, happy and blessed! I have missed you and again I apologize for the disappearance, for the neglected editing, reading and reviews… and just the whole thing!

I’m happy that I feel well enough to want to get back into the swing of things!

I will begin with a copy of my review for the Magic Circle Series by P. C. Darkcliff (Long overdue and well deserved)

See you soon!


THE MAGIC CIRCLE SERIES REVIEW: (Click the picture to browse or purchase)

I have long been a fan of P. C. Darkcliff, and the Magic Circle Series did not disappoint! From the Wizard’s Blade through the 5 book series culminating in the Circle’s End, he has taken us on a remarkable journey. A sort of coming of age for Bard and his love Diara. You fall in love with them as if you had always known them, and begin to make yourself at home in the little Village of Icecreek until the Wrathlords who are terrifyingly well done and easy to despise intervene in their tranquility.

As you wind your way through dark magic, allies and monsters who keep you on the edge of your seat and leave you wanting more! The Author skillfully weaves rivers of twists and plot lines into this story that ultimately converge in a most satisfying manner as the Circle’s End closes the Magic Circle Series and what an ending it is!

The entire series is excellent, and as our heroes begin their quest toward the Ultimate Battle in this twisting and turning epic, Al’Anark (one of my favorite characters) is there to help and as the Ultimate Battle is fought a rich complement of characters, both friends and enemies, live and die to stop the curse of the Overlords, once and for all!

It’s a story of battle for the highest stakes, and selfless love that will break your heart anyway. As Bard Thon battles the Wrathlords with his friends and allies, he struggles to find balance between what he fights for and what he has lost. The Magic Circle is a saga that just keeps getting better. It is a story of an impossible quest and an age old battle between good and evil, loyalty and treachery, magic and mayhem…This series is hard to put down, but I just loved the ending… Highly recommended!


13 commentaires

02 sept. 2024

Great review P. C. Darkcliff! Congrats


24 juin 2024

I'm so sorry I didn't realize you had been in such a bad car crash! I pray you are feeling much better and have a full recovery! Thanks for doing this blog for me it is much appreciated! Much love


Elaine Marie Carnegie
Elaine Marie Carnegie
10 juin 2024

Thank you Tim. I am overwhelmed with the love and support I have received. Thank you all again!


Jim Bates
Jim Bates
10 juin 2024

Hi, My Dear Friend!

It's so GREAT to hear from you!

What a year this has been for! I'm so glad to hear you are healing from that horrific accident. I can't imagine the pain you must have suffered. My heart goes out to you.

If I can do anything to help, please let me know. You are a fabulous person and I hope your recovery continues to progress like it is.

Take care.



Elaine Marie Carnegie
Elaine Marie Carnegie
10 juin 2024
En réponse à

Hi Jim. Thank you so much. I appreciate your care and support.


10 juin 2024

So sorry to hear of the accident. Do keep healing. My wife Dee is in the hospital right now--blood clot. So I'm certainly especially sympathetic to your situation right not. Keep getting better.

11 juin 2024
En réponse à

Oh, Mark, I hope your wife is feeling better soon. Those can be so painful and dangerous.

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